Tuesday 14 January 2014

Major Project Revised

The decision to change to the initial Major Project was due to the fact that the initial Project was in much larger scope and this could lead into different paths such as snow accumulation, snow factory tool development and there is also the challenge of the assumed shot. This would create confusion within the overall project and I might fail to deliver the overall process.  The previous project was about the contrasting and comparing of a snow scene for example how to create a snow/ fallen snow scene in 3D and then creating another in 2D and deciding which of the two is a better approach basically this was a look in the workflow of the two process.  I failed to deliver this because of the fact that I was swimming in a large pond and no narrow idea of how to explain it to the audience of what i am doing. With this reason i needed to change the project in a much focus and straight forward route that won't compromise the quality of the major project. The idea I have settled with is one of my earlier summer idea which was the creation of a Frost shader. This will be very beneficial as i have already research some background reading on snow accumulation, ice formation and snow dynamics. This will ensure that all the past reading and research will not be a waste.

To add more as to why i am doing a frost shader is because this was my initial idea and my interest lies within creating shader as i throughly enjoy making them in the Shader/ tool Development lesson. Another reason why I am doing this is to learn more about how to create shaders and basically i am a visually derive individual basically i like creating pretty pictures. In a production reason as to why do a frost shader is because i could see it help in automating a snow challenge scene. For example it could help a shot develop the overall look of the objects that are covered with ice basically with would not just look like a with patch of snow but with some kind of ice formation. But on a simple note i can see my self using these on future projects that would involve of me having to time lapse a object which has been left out in the open environment with sub-zero temperatures.  Another example of how we can use this shader are in logo opening sequence such is shown in the trailer of Batman Arkham Origins Trailer. They showcase a 5 second scene of the Warner Brother Logo in ice or frost.

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