The implementation process for the Cook Torrance was
very straight forward. The reason for this is because Cook Torrance is very
popular even Pixar has a dedicated web page concerning how to create a Cook
Torrance shader. All the common shader attributes are set in place the same as
the old way of creating a RSL shader.
surface CookTorrance(
float Ka = 1; /* Ambient
float Ks = .8; /* Specular
float Kd = .2; /* Diffuse
float IOR = 1.3;
float roughness = .2;
color opacity = 1;
color specularColor = 1;
color diffuseColor = (.6, .6, .6);
float gaussConstant
= 100;
//illuminance( P, Nn, PI/2 ){
// In this section the cook
torrance brdf model is implemented
Oi =
opacity; Opacity for the shader
Ci =
diffuseColor * Oi; The overall sum of the shader colour.
First all the variables are declared for the Fresnel
algorithm and the illuminance model. All the algorithm such as the Microfacet
distribution and he geometric attenuation are created the same as their

All of the contributions are then added together to
be multiplied into surface colour, diffuse and the specular colour. The reflection
model is a statement that calculates the
reflection colour for the shader and also gets the reflection direction to
present it accurately.
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