Monday, 7 April 2014

Other RSL Models

Oren–Nayar diffuse reflectance model

 It has been shown to accurately predict the appearance of a wide range of natural surfaces, such as concrete, plaster, sand, etc.


Here is a comparison with other models 

Oren-Nayar model Torrance-Sparrow model Microfacet model for refraction
Rough opaque diffuse surfaces Rough opaque specular surfaces (glossy surfaces) Rough transparent surfaces
Each facet is Lambertian (diffuse) Each facet is a mirror (specular) Each facet is made of glass (transparent)


Phong reflection model

Phong shading may also refer to the specific combination of Phong interpolation and the Phong reflection model, which is an empirical model of local illumination. It describes the way a surface reflects light as a combination of the diffuse reflection of rough surfaces with the specular reflection of shiny surfaces. It is based on Bui Tuong Phong's informal observation that shiny surfaces have small intense specular highlights, while dull surfaces have large highlights that fall off more gradually. The reflection model also includes an ambient term to account for the small amount of light that is scattered about the entire scene.

phong is the most common of all. it is a sum of the diffuse, ambient and specular creating a plastic look.

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